Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 18 (2020): CAPIC REVIEW

Determinants of working capital and the cash conversion cycle in chilean companies

Francisco Javier Vásquez
Universidad Mayor
Hernán Pape Larre
Universidad de Atacama, Departamento de Industria y Negocios, Copiapó
Portada Volumen 18 Año 2020

Published 2021-04-12


  • business life cycle,
  • cash conversion,
  • working capital

How to Cite

Vásquez , F. J., & Pape Larre, H. . (2021). Determinants of working capital and the cash conversion cycle in chilean companies. CAPIC REVIEW, 18, 1–15.


This research aims to identify and measure the degree of relationship between the main determinants of working capital and the cash conversion cycle of an influential group of large Chilean companies.
The research is descriptive and correlational, with a series of temporal data, in 2010-2019. The sample comprises 82 companies from different economic sectors, excluding financial institutions, and the information was gathered from the Economática database. Regression models with panel data are used, with traditional quantitative variables, such as the company's size and the tangibility of the assets, and qualitative variables, such as the stages of the company's life cycle.
The results allowed us to know the determinants of the working capital and the cash conversion cycle. In addition, we analyzed other financial variables, such as sales, profit margins, debt, and shares' book value. The results obtained are aligned with financial theory, such as the direct relationship between working capital needs with the size of sales and the cash conversion cycle and other effects outside of this logic, such as the inverse relationship of the assets' tangibility with the networking capital.
In addition to the significant relationships found, this study's main contribution consists of the incorporation of qualitative variables of the company's life cycle. These deliver different results in the models of net working capital and the cash conversion cycle, which invites us to review the methodology for obtaining the stages of companies' life cycle (Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Restructuring and Liquidation).


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