Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 19 (2021): CAPIC REVIEW

ERP technology in the training process of public accountants and auditors in chilean universities

Francisco Nova
Universidad Santo Tomas

Published 2022-01-16


  • technology skills,
  • public accountant,
  • ERP,
  • technology

How to Cite

Nova, F., & Morales, F. (2022). ERP technology in the training process of public accountants and auditors in chilean universities. CAPIC REVIEW, 19, 1–12.


The present research discusses the relevance of the incorporation of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in the training process programs of public accountants and auditors in Chilean universities. The expertise acquired in this type of technology has become a highly demanded competition in the labor world, and for this reason we consider it important to understand its presence and use in the study plans of Chilean universities. This inquiry is based on surveys carried out with teachers and administrative staff in 17 Chilean universities to assess the level of incorporation of ERP in the different stages of university study plans, the level of preparation of the teaching staff and enable an evaluation of the learning experience in the different educational institutions that are part of this study. Among the conclusions, we highlight the good perception of the implementation of these technologies in teaching and their role in the development of transversal skills with an emphasis on accounting and finance despite the multiple options of ERP available, especially SAP.


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