Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 19 (2021): CAPIC REVIEW

Approaching intellectual capital and sustainability. Towards multidimensional and integrated accounting

Gustavo Sader Bello
Universidad Nacional Del Centro De La Provincia De Buenos Aires
Cecilia Ficco Pansaraza
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Gabriela García Cardegna

Published 2022-09-27


  • Intellectual capital,
  • Accounting reports,
  • Corporate Social Responsibility,
  • Sustainability ,
  • Triple impact

How to Cite

Sader Bello, G., Ficco Pansaraza, C., & García Cardegna, G. (2022). Approaching intellectual capital and sustainability. Towards multidimensional and integrated accounting. CAPIC REVIEW, 19, 1–12.


Current accounting research, by incorporating the problems of intellectual capital and sustainability, opens the discussion of the extension of the epistemological field of the discipline and the response of the profession to the requirements on the information to be disclosed.
The current conception of social and environmental accounting related to that of Corporate Social Responsibility, currently includes the management and disclosure of a triple impact (economic, social and environmental) that involves both corporate governance and the responsible management of the investment and human resources. In this field, sustainability is perceived as a strategic objective and for this, it will be necessary to manage and disclose resources and actions related to IC. However, the doctrinal and professional contributions present some differences that require extensive discussion. This problem arises from an incipient and disorderly development of these conceptions and their application in professional practice.
In order to the problem raised, the objective is to address the doctrinal positions from two approaches: the pragmatic and the epistemological and consequently, to propose an epistemological-methodological approach consistent with the problems of the new fields of accounting.
To achieve the stated objective, a bibliographic review is carried out in order to show the tensions between both approaches, in terms of evidencing the distance between the research claims and the implementation of triple impact information in practice. This sequence culminates in a proposal for a methodological-epistemological approach to multidimensional accounting in its treatment, and integrated in the way of presenting the information.


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