Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

logo revista Capic Review
Vol. 19 (2021): CAPIC REVIEW

Tax incentives: Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy. Analysis and impact

Daniela Veglia

Published 2021-12-31


  • knowledge economy,
  • tax incentives, tax,
  • fiscal promotion schemes

How to Cite

Veglia, D., Passamonti, P., & Barón, G. (2021). Tax incentives: Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy. Analysis and impact. CAPIC REVIEW, 19, 1–11.


This work makes an assessment of Law 27.506, modified by Law 27.570, of "Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy" in Argentina.
The objective is to analyze the activities included in the Regime, the tax benefits granted and the requirements to be met in order to remain in it. Likewise, a survey was carried out on the existence of similar regimes in other countries.
It is observed that all countries have some type of tax policy aimed at encouraging some of the activities of the Knowledge Economy. It is understood, that in general, knowledge-based services constitute a changing and intangible sector, with easy and rapid geographic relocation. Therefore, countries seek different incentives to attract and retain them, and have active policies regarding tax exemptions, promotion of new ventures, training in R&D, etc.
It can be noted that countries, to a greater or lesser extent, and with broader or certainly specific programs established in their internal laws, have understood that the “knowledge economy” should be promoted through fiscal policies of tax incentives, under various forms, requirements and limits. These countries understand that development with added value is one of the best ways for the progress of the respective nation.


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