Evolution of balance sheet conservatism in Argentina and Chile: the IFRS incidence
Published 2017-06-10
- Accounting Conservatism,
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The implementation of IFRSs raised the question about the improvement in the quality of the financial information under these standards respected to the local standards of each country that adopts them. The quality of information can be measured on the systematic undervaluation of the net book value in relation to the market value of the company. The research focus on the relationship between financial statement under IFRS are more conservative than financial statements under local GAAP.
This paper analyzes the evolution of conservatism in Argentina and Chile, and also analyzes if the implementation of IFRS has influenced the conservative accounting practices of listed companies in these countries. One of the measures of unconditional conservatism is the relationship between the book value and the market value of the company. This relationship is observed through the Market to Book (MTB) ratio, which with values higher than one would reflect the existence of accounting conservatism. The paper presents a longitudinal study that covers pre and post IFRS periods, by comparing the MTB ratio of these periods through a comparison test of means (Argentina 2008-2016, Chile 2003-2016). The data used for the analysis were from the Thompson One database.
The results show that the implementation of IFRS in Argentina increased the conservative bias in the preparation of the financial statements but in Chile decreased.
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