Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

logo revista Capic Review
Vol. 20 (2022): CAPIC REVIEW

IFRS 16: doctrinal review and empirical research of its impacts in Argentina

Giuliana Caivano
Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Beca de Maestría UNLP

Published 2023-04-29


  • leases,
  • financial statements,
  • IFRS 16

How to Cite

Caivano, G. (2023). IFRS 16: doctrinal review and empirical research of its impacts in Argentina. CAPIC REVIEW, 20, 1–11.


In response to the requirements of greater reliability and transparency by users of financial information, in 2016 the issuance of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16 introduced the accounting of operating lease contracts in the financial statements of lessee entities.
The purpose of this paper is to review the academic literature related to the accounting treatment of operating lease contracts, andto identify the estimated and real impacts from the application of the IFRS 16, on the accounting information.
In order to determine the importance of the thematic in Argentina, a descriptive empirical research related to the IFRS 16 impact was performed, based on the information included in the financial statements for the year 2019 of the companies that make public offerings.
The results of the theoretical review show that the capitalization of operating leases improves comparability, provides more transparent information to the market by including all lease contracts, and generates significant impacts on the information included in the financial statements. Nevertheless, some complexities of the standard could generate different effects than expected. Empirical research shows the low participation of the items associated with IFRS 16 in the assets and liabilities reported in the financial statements of the companies analyzed. Therefore, it is considered necessary to continue with doctrinal and empirical investigations that allow us to complete these results.


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