Disclosure of intellectual capital of argentine public universities on institutional websites
Published 2023-06-15
- Argentina,
- intellectual capital,
- disclosure,
- websites,
- public universities
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriela García, Cecilia Ficco, Paola Bersía, Gustavo Sader

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The production of information on the intellectual capital (IC) of universities is essential to assess and communicate different aspects related to the knowledge management process, which contributes not only to improve its execution internally, but also to address the information needs of the different groups with an interest in its activities.
In this framework, the present study aims to analyze the information on IC that Argentine public universities disclose through their websites.
To comply with it, a descriptive study was carried out, based on the content analysis strategy. The data comes from the public access information contained in the websites of the seven universities that compose the sample of this investigation.
The results show that, in global terms, the degree of IC disclosure is low and that the greatest emphasis on disclosure is focused on intangible elements linked to the structural and relational dimension of IC. Specifically, the emphasis lies on describing the structure and resources that universities use to increase and internalize the knowledge generated, as well as the instruments and means that allow them to formalize links with their environment. These results are analogous to those obtained in previous investigations.
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