The contribution to sustainable development of argentine companies involved in the Ambition accelerator program
Published 2023-08-31
- ODS,
- Argentine network Global Compact,
- private sector,
- sustainability
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mónica Jugón, Sandra Pastor, Pablo Raffaelli, Mariano Mastropierro, Joana Frosinini
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The socio-environmental problem drives the need to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with interest groups demanding measures in this regard. In response, companies attempt a shift towards sustainable development and take care to communicate it. This is how sustainability participates in the business agenda, even in strategic decisions in order to inform and measure actions in some of the dimensions of CSR. The Global Compact aims to help them speed up their work and obtain results aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that they consider to be a priority by proposing participation in Acceleration Programs, such as the Sustainable Development Goals Ambition (SDG) to which eleven Argentine companies adhere.
From these organizations, their reports, participation in Working Groups, themes are analyzed and an attempt is made to identify and associate the SDGs, which they mention, with the dimensions of CSR and with the axes of the Global Compact. Consequently, the objective of the work is to give visibility to the commitment that this group of Argentine companies assumes in relation to the SDGs.
The exploratory analysis identifies the morphology of the contribution to the SDGs that the identified Argentine companies voluntarily communicate.
The results are clear in terms of identifying the SDGs and the themes that they prioritize, but they are very weak regarding the manifestation of actions and, fundamentally, measurement. These aspects should be a reason for discussion for an improvement, both in the implementation and in the dissemination and measurement of results, as well as to generate synergies to expand the population involved in the Southern Cone Track.
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