Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 13 (2015): CAPIC REVIEW

Evaluation of the usefulness of financial information: evidence for Ecuador

Galo H. García Tamayo
Universidad Indoamérica, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas
Marcelo Fonseca Torres
Universidad Indoamérica, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas

Published 2015-12-10


  • Evaluation,
  • Financial Information,
  • SMEs,
  • Useful

How to Cite

García Tamayo, G. H. ., & Fonseca Torres, M. . (2015). Evaluation of the usefulness of financial information: evidence for Ecuador. CAPIC REVIEW, 13, 59–68.


With the adoption of resolution No- SC.Q.ICI.004, the Superintendency of Companies ordered that the businesses under their control have the obligation to file financial information with international regulations it was ratified in No- ADM resolution. 8199002E. In this situation, the position to adopt those standards by Ecuadorian SMEs, should have been based on the degree of usefulness of financial information prepared with Ecuadorian law. For this reason, this research provides empirical evidence regarding the characteristics of SMEs compared to harmonization process with the objective of determining whether the information submitted with Ecuadorian legislation allows fulfilling the utilitarian paradigm of financial information. The instrument used is the opinion poll, which allowed it to collect important to the development of research variables. The sample of companies amounted to 330. Once the information collected, the Student t test was applied and F of Anova. After the analysis of empirical evidence, it is concluded that the financial information prepared with local regulations violates this paradigm, and that this should be the objective with which the information is prepared; Likewise, the failure is due to the approach of management accounting considering a cost and not an investment; finally, the evidence determines that another aspect of the problema of utility is given by the involvement of the manager in accounting issues.


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