Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 13 (2015): CAPIC REVIEW

Perception of college students regarding your techniques for teachers in the classroom

Ricardo R. Vega Bois
Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas de la Universidad de Los Lagos

Published 2015-12-10


  • Teachers,
  • Students,
  • Techniques Used

How to Cite

Vega Bois, R. R. . (2015). Perception of college students regarding your techniques for teachers in the classroom. CAPIC REVIEW, 13, 111–123.


The performance of teachers in the classroom, mainly methodologies and tools used are beyond the simple delivery of items that are part of the teaching - learning process, impacts that affect fundamental aspects for obtaining and achieving goals, such as generating interest, real and effective motivation, perceived usefulness and adequate understanding of content by the student.

The research is generated on the one hand the concern to know the perception students audit regarding the techniques used in the classroom by their teachers and on the other, to obtain background to improve the performance of university teachers in the classroom. The study was limited to students studying Audit at the University of Los Lagos, with results that can be generalized to the extent that it is properly contextualize cough.

Research, documentary and field, with high qualitative components began with the collection of opinions based on a technically designed and validated survey converging to a second round of analysis, parameterization and conclusions, thus answering the concerns raised, generating parallel some general recommendations.

The main results established that what usually be thinking, students value adequate technical and demanding aspects over situations and / or enabling actions of curriculum progress without much difficulty. At the same time it ruled out that the technical means to support themselves are sufficient to meet appropriate teaching – learning.



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