Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 16 (2018): CAPIC REVIEW

Environmental information disclosure: an exploratoy analysis for listed companies in Argentina

María Rabasedas
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe
Portada Volumen 16 Año 2018

Published 2018-12-26


  • cluster analysis,
  • environmental accounting,
  • environmental information,
  • listed companies

How to Cite

Rabasedas, M. (2018). Environmental information disclosure: an exploratoy analysis for listed companies in Argentina. CAPIC REVIEW, 16, 1–16.


The disclosure of environmental accounting information is a worldwide growing trend, aiming to bring some responses to the intense social demand for corporate accountability.

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the development of environmental accounting in Argentina, exploring the disclosure of environmental information in listed companies, examining their characteristics and determining patterns.

To achieve this, an environmental disclosure index was proposed built through the application of content analysis to financial statements and sustainability reports of a sample of Argentinian listed companies. Over these results, we conducted a cluster analysis in order to identify defining variables.

The results show that there is a generally low level of disclosure and high content dispersion. Three different clusters were identify with low, medium and high disclosure levels respectively, characterized mainly by sector, size and the presence of an environmental management area. These findings provide a basis to begin the development of a possible environmental standard in Argentina, focusing on business characteristics and information needs.


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