Guide of active teaching-learning strategies to develop transverse competences in audit students
Published 2018-12-26
- Autonomy,
- transversal competence,
- active teaching-learning strategy,
- comprehensive reading,
- mathematical logical reasoning
- teamwork ...More
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The educational paradigm during this last century has changed considerably, it has moved from a model centered on teaching, to a model centered on learning. Authors such as Tobón (2005), emphasize the importance of enhancing both the development of technical skills and cross-cutting when it comes to achieving the conformation of the holistic human being that today's society demands.
It is in this context that the present project arises, which aims to promote the development of the transversal competences of Teamwork, Autonomy, Comprehensive Reading and Mathematical Logical Reasoning, in the students of the 8th level of the Audit Course of the University of La Serena, using this, the development and implementation of a guide to active teaching-learning strategies. For the assessment of the development of these competences in medium terms by students and strategic agents linked to these, is one of the problematic foci present.
The methodology of this project is based on a socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative approach and a methodological design of action research, with the application of the interview, the focus groups and the survey, bases for the diagnosis of the study, as to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the guide.
The result of this implementation in the students through the subjects of the VIII level, there is evidence of an improvement in the development of the transversal competences specified in the graduation profile of this Degree. Standing out is the development of Teamwork and Autonomy skills, counting these with an approval of more than 60%, and improvements in Comprehensive Reading and Mathematical Logic Reasoning are observed, exceeding 50% plus one.
Keywords: Autonomy, transversal competence, active teaching-learning strategy, comprehensive reading, mathematical logical reasoning, teamwork.
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