Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

logo revista Capic Review
Vol. 16 (2018): CAPIC REVIEW

Disclosure of environmental aspects in sustainability reports in the face of the new international scenario

Juan Pablo del Barco Zilli
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
María de los Angeles del Barco Zilli
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
María Sol del Barco Zilli
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Ileana García Federici
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadísticas
Portada Volumen 16 Año 2018

Published 2018-12-26


  • Environment,
  • GRI Standards,
  • Social Responsibility,
  • Sustainability reports

How to Cite

del Barco Zilli, J. P. ., del Barco Zilli, M. de los A. ., del Barco Zilli, M. S. ., & García Federici, I. . (2018). Disclosure of environmental aspects in sustainability reports in the face of the new international scenario. CAPIC REVIEW, 16, 1–19.


Climate change and the policies it promotes can bring great consequences for organizations in particular and to the economy in general. In this context where markets are affected by environmental risks, the importance of an adequate presentation of non-financial information on environmental factors becomes immediate. An effective disclosure of relevant information for investors requires a careful evaluation of prospective commercial risks derived from climate change and carbon footprint, among others.

The precariousness and/or absence of policies or standardized models that homogenize the disclosure and exposure of CSR information leads to analyze the information currently reported by organizations. The objective of the first part of this paper is to analyze how many listed argentine companies present sustainability reports and among them study how they report on environmental factors. In particular the aim is to determine whether there is or not homogeneity on the information they present. The second part of this paper approaches the transition from G4 GRI guide to the new GRI – STANDARDS, using as case study Banco Galicia SA since it was the first argentine company to implement them.

A qualitative descriptive research was followed applying the content analysis technique to the last sustainability reports published by companies listed at 2018. From the results obtained it can be observed a dispersion on the information disclosure, being the majority of the environmental indicators reported by only approximately 50% of the organizations, and as regards the application of the new standards it is not observed greater changes with respect to the last GRI guide.


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