Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

logo revista Capic Review
Vol. 16 (2018): CAPIC REVIEW

IFRS 9 financial instruments: practical application to determine expected loss of financial asset portfolios

Rafael Romero-Meza
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Stephanie Gutiérrez Caripán
PKF Chile Finanzas Corporativas
Héctor Osorio Gómez
PKF Chile Finanzas Corporativas
Portada Volumen 16 Año 2018

Published 2018-12-28


  • financial assets,
  • IFRS 9,
  • expected loss

How to Cite

Romero-Meza, R., Gutiérrez Caripán, S., & Osorio Gómez, H. (2018). IFRS 9 financial instruments: practical application to determine expected loss of financial asset portfolios. CAPIC REVIEW, 16, 1–18.


The purpose of this article is to review the main aspects of International Financing Reporting Standards 9 (IFRS 9), propose and apply a methodology to determine expected loss of a portfolio of financial assets. The primary contribution of this paper is to develop an in-depth application of IFRS 9 for a portfolio of financial assets by following the guidelines of the International Accounting Standards Board. The application of this standard to other classes of financial assets, financial liabilities and hedge accounting, remains a pending matter for future.


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