Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Business Management

ISSN 0718-4662

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Vol. 18 (2020): CAPIC REVIEW

Relationship of Personal Taxes with Regional Human Development: Case of Chile.

Humberto Borges
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Portada Volumen 18 Año 2020

Published 2021-01-28


  • distributive effects,
  • individual taxes,
  • Human Development Index HDI,
  • tax equity

How to Cite

Borges, H. (2021). Relationship of Personal Taxes with Regional Human Development: Case of Chile. CAPIC REVIEW, 18, 1–15.


This research analyzes the relationship of people's taxes with Regional Human Development in Chile. Focusing on two main issues: changes in the complementary global tax (IGC) and the impact on equity in the set of incomes. Analyzing the tax equity of the change of law. In addition, observe the impact of taxes on Regional Human Development Index (RHDI), analyzing the existence of the distributive effect of taxes.

In the discussion and presentation of the data, the existence of vertical inequity is observed in the income brackets to individuals. Inequality is produced by the benefits delivered from the reduction and elimination of rates by the 2014 reform. On the other hand, it is emphasized that personal income continues to be progressive, maintaining the contribution of personal taxes from the higher income brackets. Achieving a positive direct distributive effect . On the other hand, when comparing the contribution of personal taxes with the RHDI, a negative total distributive effect by regions is observed. Regarding the direct correlation between contributions via tax from the regions and the IDHR, it is concluded that the total distributive effect is negative.


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