Women on the board of directors in Chilean companies: Pressure or conviction?
Published 2022-09-22
- boards committees,
- diversity,
- gender,
- corporative governance,
- glass ceiling
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Copyright (c) 2022 Isabel Torres Zapata, Humberto Borges Quintanilla
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This essay describes the behavior, over the last ten years, of the board of directors in Chilean indexed IGPA firms, with respect to the number of women on these boards, which have been historically dominated by men. We ask if the presence of women on these boards is due to cultural change, a consequence of social pressure, rule changes or the following of a trend in developed countries. From data analysis, an evolution in the number of women in the boardrooms of Chilean indexed IGPA firms, from Chile’s entry into the OCDE in 2010 and after the adoption of the CMF´s NCG 385 in 2015, can be observed. This evolution stems from obligation or trend following rather than cultural change. We have observed that women have relatively little power on the boards where they have been allowed to participate, which clearly implies that there is still a long way to go in this regard, since only the minimum required by the standard is met, which shows the lack of conviction with which Chilean companies have acted, yielding rather to the pressure of a norm, than to a true conviction of the importance of the subject, for which the quota mechanism is recommended as a more effective tool rather than the passage of time with regards to including women on the boards.
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