Published 2015-12-10
- Service Learning,
- Cost Foundation,
- Innovation
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Nowadays, Higher Education in Chile faces major challenges related to the quality of its programs, its ability to adapt to new content and demands of society and the market competition at a national and international level in terms of recruitment and enrollment of students, and the disciplinary and generic skills with which students graduate. The latter is closely related to innovation processes and teaching methodologies and the relationship with the external environment of the university.
One of the ways, studied at international and national level, to link the formation process with the needs of the environment (society) is the implementation of the Service Learning methodology (S+L).
This paper analyzes the implications that this methodology has had on the Cost Foundation course of the Economics and Business Faculty of at the University of Chile.
The main results to be presented highlights the adequacy of the questionnaire to characterize the students who participated in the methodology in the context of the subject, the high level of social motivation expressed by students, the potential of the methodology to foster the development of generic skills, and ultimately the effectiveness of the S+L methodology to reinforce the contents of the subject.
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